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The President’s Volunteer Service Award For NJ High School Students Overview

The President’s Volunteer Service Award For NJ High School Students Overview

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a prestigious recognition program that honors students who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to community service. Here’s what high school students should know about this award:

What is it?

The President’s Volunteer Service Award was established in 2003 to recognize the important role volunteers play in America’s communities. It is awarded to individuals, families, and groups who have achieved a certain number of volunteer hours over a 12-month period or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the PVSA, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident
  • High school students are eligible
  • Complete eligible volunteer service hours within a 12-month period
  • Volunteer with a PSVA Certifying Organization

Award Levels

The PVSA offers different award levels based on the number of volunteer hours completed:

Age GroupBronzeSilverGold
Kids (5-10)26-49 hours50-74 hours75+ hours
Teens (11-15)50-74 hours75-99 hours100+ hours
Young Adults (16-25)100-174 hours175-249 hours250+ hours
President’s Volunteer Service Award requirements

Types of Eligible Service

Eligible volunteer service includes unpaid acts that benefit others. Some examples are:

  • Community service projects
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Education initiatives
  • Disaster relief efforts
  • Support for veterans and military families

It’s important to note before committing to volunteering hours with the objective of qualifying for the Award, that certain activities do not count towards the PVSA – such as religious proselytizing, political lobbying, or court-ordered community service.

How to Apply

To receive the PVSA, students should follow these steps:

  1. Find a Certifying Organization: This could be a school, nonprofit, or other approved organization
  2. Track volunteer hours: Keep detailed records of service activities, including dates, locations, and descriptions
  3. Submit hours: Log volunteer hours through the certifying organization’s system
  4. Verification: The certifying organization will review and verify submitted hours
  5. Receive Award: You’ll receive a certificate or a medal, depending on how your certifying organization submits the paperwork

Benefits of the Award

Recipients of the PVSA receive:

  • A personalized certificate of completion
  • A letter from the President of the United States
  • A lapel pin, medallion, or coin (depending on the award level)[2][4]

Beyond the tangible rewards, the PVSA can be a valuable addition to college applications and resumes, demonstrating a student’s commitment to community service and leadership.

Final Thoughts

The President’s Volunteer Service Award offers high school students a meaningful way to be recognized for their dedication to community service. By participating in this program, students not only contribute to their communities but also develop important skills and values that will serve them well in their future endeavors.

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